the nclave

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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

why not?

Stolen from the grace_vine:
"I came across this online – a theory a mathematician had about God:


"He [Pascal] asked: "God is, or he is not. Which way should we incline?"


Reason, Pascal thought, could never establish definitively whether God exists. For Pascal, believing in God could have two outcomes, depending on whether God exists. If God doesn't exist, nothing will happen to the believer. If God does exist, the believer will be blessed with eternal salvation. The nonbeliever also faces two possible outcomes. If God doesn't exist, he will suffer no consequences. If God does exist, the nonbeliever will face eternal damnation. The nonbeliever faces either no consequences or hell; the believer looks at no consequences or heaven. Faced with heaven or hell, Pascal reasoned, it makes sense to open oneself to faith.


Simply put, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by believing.


Fer sure, that isn't why I believe. I first believed cos I felt God's touch…and I continue to believe cos I have experienced God's goodness. But by Pascal's theory, why would anyone NOT believe?"


Well said. ;)

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